Atlantic Area CASA
Non Profit Organizations
Our mission is to recruit and train adults volunteers to advocate for the best interest of abused and neglected chldren placed in the foster care system.
In 1976, a Seattle Superior Court Judge, the Honorable David Soukup, was concerned about making decisions on behalf of abused and neglected children without enough information. He conceived the idea of appointing community volunteers to speak up for the best interests of these children in court and implemented a pilot program in 1977.
Due to the success of the pilot program, Seattle's CASA program began, thus leading to multiple CASA programs opening across the United States. In 1982, the National Court Appointed Special Advocate Association opened. In 1988, Georgia CASA started to, with Atlantic Area CASA founded as an affiliate program of Georgia CASA ten years later in 1999. Since initially serving Liberty County, Atlantic Area CASA has expanded to serve five other counties; Bryan, Evans, Long, McIntosh, and Tattnall.
Today, more than 77,000 advocates are serving in more than 900 CASA programs nationwide. Since the inception of CASA advocacy, volunteers have helped well over 2,000,000 children find safe, permanent homes in which they can thrive. Last year, Atlantic Area CASA served one hundred children with 20 CASA volunteers.